Beginning Oil Painting
January 14 - March 4, 2025
8 weeks, Tuesdays, 6 pm - 8:30 pm
Instructor: Maryn Blanco
SOLD OUT- Please call for waitlist (314)727-6266
Whether you’re new to oil painting, coming back to it after a break, or just want to re-focus your techniques, this class is for you! Kicking off a hands-on exploration of color mixing, learning best practices for safe handling, and becoming familiar with common materials and mediums, we will build our knowledge of oil’s various applications and historical techniques.
Beginner students: drawing experience is preferred since students will be doing some painting from life. If you’ve never touched oils before, you’ll be perfectly fine.
By the end of this course, you’ll be handling paint like a pro and have a few finished pieces to show off.
This will be a traditional class with demonstrations and hands-on learning.
See Supply List for required materials.
Member $170 | Non-member $220
If you must cancel, please email ( or call STLAG. A refund will be given only if cancellation occurs seven days prior to the first day of class. No exceptions. Refunds will be processed minus a $25 withdrawal fee per course registration.
St. Louis Artists Guild is committed to providing educational experiences to as many people as possible. We are pleased to offer sliding-scale scholarships to make classes and workshops more accessible to our community, adults & children. If you are interested in scholarship information please contact Kathryn Nahorski, Membership and Development Director, at